Upcycling Can Change the World!
Food waste offers one of the biggest solutions to the environmental crisis. 14 million tons of perfectly usable vegetables never leave the farm gate because they are cosmetically imperfect, off-spec, or simply unharvested.*
At Matriark, we’re keeping delicious fresh vegetables and the resources used to grow them (land, water, labor, fossil fuels) in circulation so that we can reduce what goes to landfills—a major source of emissions. Our products are a solution to climate change that you can eat every day.
* Source:ReFED: Roadmap to 2030: Reducing U.S. Food Waste by 50% and the ReFED Insights Engine
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About Our Products & Upcycling
Upcycled food products use ingredients that otherwise would not have gone to human consumption, are procured and produced using verifiable supply chains.
In general, upcycling describes the process of transforming by-products, materials that are unwanted, into new materials or products of better quality. In other words, upcycling is about doing more with what we have and elevating ALL food to its highest and best use: feeding people.
Upcycled foods save nutrition and resources from going to waste. They keep the energy, water, land and labor used to grow food — fully in the food system — for the benefit of the environment and people. Visit Upcycled Food Association to learn more.
Not all purees are upcycled! Most sauces, broths and condiments on the market are produced using a very curated line-up of produce that fit a specific set of requirements, including the size and shape and even the sugar content of the individual vegetable. This is so those vegetables are able to properly run through the machinery used to produce the end product, as well as to ensure the most uniform tasting sauce batch over batch.
We partner with regionally-based small to mid-sized farms to capture their excess or imperfect produce, as well as working with fresh-cut facilities to utilize peels, ends and stems of vegetables.
Our supply chain is fully verified for food safety and quality. You can follow the journey of our ingredients—from the farm fields and produce packing houses, to the processing and co-manufacturing facilities—and you’ll find that we make sustainable choices at every single step along the way.
In partnership with Planet FWD, the leading climate management platform for consumer companies, we conduct scientifically rigorous, standards-aligned Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) for each of our products measuring carbon footprint to better understand the carbon impacts associated with each product, all of our ingredients and our packaging.
Matriark Foods uses FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified packaging. FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. FSC enforces strict criteria for biodiversity, worker safety and the rights of local and Indigenous communities.
Methane is a green house gas (GHG) that's emitted from the decomposition of organic waste.
Methane traps even more heat than CO2, the most common GHG emitted by humans, and has a higher global warming potential (GWP). The GWP of a gas measures how much heat it absorbs and how long it stays in the atmosphere. Gases with a higher GWP contribute more to global warming.
Food waste is responsible for 8-10% of total GHG emissions, which is 5x the amount of emissions produced from aviation.
Whole Foods Market 2022 Impact Report
Matriark was highlighted in the Whole Foods Market 2022 Impact report as a foundational brand making contributing to their "planet impact" pillar.